Do you use SugarCRM and Microsoft Outlook?
…do you need to always stay updated in both systems?

We can offer you ACMARK SugarCRM Outlook synchronizer.
Allows to work independently in both systems and it is simple to:
Basic description of features and plugin functions
What it is …
ACMARK SugarCRM Outlook plugin is designed for a full synchronization between SugarCRM and Microsoft Outlook. The plugin is installed into Microsoft Outlook and allows to carry out all the necessary data transfer operations.
Synchronizing Meetings
Plugin allows a full two-way transfer of meetings between Microsoft Outlook and SugarCRM. It is possible to mark them as private, or define which ones are to be transferred. For appointments you can select the calendar you wish to transfer.
Synchronizing Contacts
It allows full two-way transfer of Contacts and their updates between Microsoft Outlook and SugarCRM. You can define in both systems which contacts are to be transferred between them.
Synchronizing Tasks
It allows a full two-way transfer of tasks and their updates between Microsoft Outlook and SugarCRM. In Microsoft Outlook, you can define which tasks (i.e. private tasks) are to be transferred.
Transferring Emails
It can be done only from Microsoft Outlook to SugarCRM. Emails can be assigned to any selected records in SugarCRM using a selection function. Emails are transferred with their attachments and images. Emails can be transferred automatically or manually.
Technical information
Plugin is designed for Microsoft Outlook 2010 and 2013 for 32-bit and 64-bit versions and operating systems of Windows XP and higher. It supports SugarCRM version 6.2.X, regardless of edition. Now there is Czech, English, German, Italian, Polisch, Spanish and Slovak language version.
Prices and demo
Find out how much your product will cost. Try it and order.
Licence price per user
$128 or 128€ or £128
price include VATThis is a fully-fledged license (one-time price), which allows you to perform all the tasks described without restrictions.
Buy pluginDemo
try the plugin…If you wish to test ACMARK SugarCRM Outlook plugin prior to the purchase you can order from us a test access license.
Get demoLicence is…
- purchased without time restrictions – one-time price
- cannot be transferred between entities,
- guarantee of proper functionality for Microsoft Outlook version, which the plugin was created for,
- upgrade to a new / different version is charged at cost of 50% of the license price (minor upgrades / fix are for free).
We will be glad if you write to us
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If you have something to tell us or wish to ask any question, please do not hesitate to use this form.
Our office
Lidická 2030/20, 602 00 Brno
Czech republic
Tel.: +420 739 081 649